For a period of 36 hours in the last days of July, an officer
of an Allied army group staff had an excellent opportunity of
observing German tanks and infantry attacking an Allied force
in France. The following notes, which are based on his report,
describe the tactics that the Germans employed.
The general situation was fluid at the time of the attack. The
Germans advanced westward in three parallel columns, each
consisting of tanks accompanied by infantry. The center column
followed a main road, firing rapidly and moving at a brisk rate.
It went from hill to hill, with the accompanying infantry
dog-trotting through the fields on each side of the road and over the
hedgerows. The infantry was deployed over no more than the
width of a single field on each side. The center column had a
total of only about eight track-laying vehicles. At least three of
these were tanks, one or two probably were self-propelled guns,
and the remainder probably were half-track personnel carriers.
Although the total German strength which had been sent to
capture and hold an important crossroads at St. Denisière
consisted of two companies of infantry and probably not more
than ten tanks, the Allied officer observed only the track-laying
vehicles previously mentioned and possibly a platoon of
The Infantrymen Moved Fast
The leading tank fired its 75 rapidly, getting both graze and
air bursts, while its machine guns, supplemented by those of the
vehicles behind it, sprayed the top of every hedgerow. The
noise was terrific, and the bursts in the shrubbery and the tops
of trees and hedgerows were certainly impressive. Even before
the shock of the guns discharged at close range, and the
garden-hose spray of machine-gun bullets, had taken full effect,
German infantrymen were over the hedgerow and into the field and
were advancing toward the next field with determination and
courage. They knew where they were going, and went there fast.
At night the Germans reacted forcefully, with fire and limited
movement, whenever they detected any sign of an Allied
approach. The German tanks moved slowly, and made very little
noise. Immediately after firing, each tank moved to a new position
25 to 50 yards away. It should be emphasized that the
noise discipline of the German tank crews and the
accompanying infantry was superior. There was no talking or shouting;
except for machine-gun and cannon fire and the starting of motor,
no sound carried farther than 100 yards.
On the other hand, the approach of U.S. tanks and the passing
of most U.S. motor convoys was rapidly identifiable by the
loud shouting, talking, and issuing of orders by the U.S. troops
who approached or passed the general vicinity of a German
position. The propensity of U.S. tank drivers to "gun" their
motors was a dead give-away, whereas the Germans always
eased their tanks forward, traveled in low gear, and were
remarkably quiet in all operations except the firing. They used
long bursts of their rapid-firing machine guns to discourage
guests. If pressed at all, they sent up flares to obtain German
artillery and mortar fire on their flanks. The way they handled
their tanks was bold and sure. They acted as if they knew
exactly what their destination was, and by which route they wished
to proceed.
A U.S. Tank "Got the Works"
At 0230, the darkest part of the night, a German tank moved
out and headed toward the northernmost German column, making
as little noise as possible. Later it turned out that a lone
U.S. tank on reconnaissance had pushed up against the nose of
the ridge that the German tanks had organized, and the Germans
were quietly laying plans to place a terrific amount of fire on it.
Before long, it got the works.