Ordnance teams are saving lives by masterminding the enemy's weapons. Careless
treatment of captured materiel may deprive the U. S. of vital information.
"One of the biggest difficulties that Ordnance Intelligence Teams face is the continued
refusal of combat units to recognize the importance of technical information gained from
a study of enemy ordnance." The man who said this knew what he was talking about. He
is a lieutenant in charge of an Ordnance Technical Intelligence Team now operating in
the Pacific.
This officer's report emphasized an unfortunate condition which has existed for a long
time. Combat troops, preoccupied with fighting or souvenir hunting, are unaware of the
part captured enemy equipment plays in the progressive development of our own
weapons, and of its usefulness in enabling intelligence officers to predict the probable
widespread use of new weapons by enemy troops.
![[American soldiers on the Western Front firing French shells from a German mortar.]](ibordnancep1.jpg) |
American soldiers on the Western Front firing French shells from
a German mortar. This kind of improvisation with captured
weapons is made possible by the field research work of Ordnance
Technical Intelligence men. |
This difficult master-minding is a job of the Army Service Forces Enemy Equipment
Intelligence Service Teams. These teams include trained personnel from each technical
service. Specifically, where weapons are concerned, it is a job for Ordnance Technical
Intelligence, which must keep the army up to date in this highly technical aspect of
Early in the war, the U. S. Army saw the necessity for immediate first-hand technical
observation, and in December 1942 the first Ordnance Intelligence Team, a handful of
specially-trained officers and enlisted men, was dispatched to a combat zone. Its mission
was to procure enemy weapons and ship them to the United States to be used in a
continuous study of the latest developments and trends in the enemy armament industry
and to rapidly develop counter weapons. Today teams of trained technical observers
work in every theater of operations.
Many times these intelligence teams have landed with the assault echelon of U. S.
invasion forces, often going in with the first or second wave. Their work begins
immediately, inasmuch as they must be on hand to gather enemy weapons as they are
captured and before the materiel has been needlessly damaged or carted away by
souvenir hunters. As soon as possible, a field headquarters is established, and the
investigation of captured weapons begins.
Because they are schooled in the intracacies of enemy weapons, the personnel of
Ordnance Intelligence Teams often have turned captured weapons against the enemy.
Such was the case recently in France when Ordnance Intelligence men were able to
"cannibalize" enough from captured German artillery pieces to equip U. S. artillerymen
with 50 German 105-mm pieces.
![[Ordnance Technical Intelligence men reconditioning captured German 105-mm howitzers.]](ibordnancep2.jpg) |
Ordnance Technical Intelligence men reconditioning captured
German 105-mm howitzers. Over 25,000 German shells were
fired back at the enemy with captured guns of this type during
initial operations against the Siegfried Line. |
The first concern of the intelligence teams is to get possession of those captured enemy
weapons that are of no immediate value to the combat units. These weapons are
inspected, a preliminary report is written, and the guns are then shipped to a rear-area
proving ground operated by the theater ordnance officer. Here the guns, and other
captured equipment, are put through field tests to determine any new tactical information
that will be of immediate value to the troops operating in that theater. If a gun under test
shows no new characteristics, it may be sent to a theater training area where
replacement troops use it in pre-combat instruction. Should it be a weapon worth further
intelligence analysis, it is shipped immediately to the U. S.
Contrary to a recent G. I. rumor that captured weapons are
sold at War Bond rallies, test-worthy captured guns, tanks, ammunition, and vehicles
procured by Ordnance Intelligence Teams are sent from every theater to the Ordnance
Research and Development Center at Aberdeen, Maryland. Here they are started on a
routine of tactical and technical analysis designed to discover every item of information
which may be of value to our own troops and to our munitions program. The general
performance of the equipment is studied, and a report of the tests is issued to all
interested agencies. Often the equipment is broken down, and component parts are
shipped to various laboratories, arsenals, and industries throughout the country, where
they may be studied and tested by highly trained metallurgists, engineers, and other
specialists. The results of these fine-tooth inspections are submitted to the development
engineers concerned with the design of similar equipment for the U. S. Army.
Such analysis of enemy equipment has disclosed a wealth of information of value in the
development of U. S. weapons—a fact which perhaps is not generally known. For years
the enemy prepared for war, and consequently was well advanced in the development of
new weapons and the improvement of the design and manufacturing technique of old
In only a very few instances has the enemy introduced a new type of weapon unknown to
American designers. However, there have been occasions when the discovery of a
hitherto unused manufacturing technique in some piece of German equipment has
proved the reliability of a similar, but untested, American idea. Such a circumstance often
has enabled U. S. engineers to make short-cuts between the designing and production of
a new or improved weapon.
![[American artillerymen fire a captured Pak 43 at the retreating German army in the area around Metz, France.]](ibordnancep3.jpg) |
American artillerymen fire a captured Pak 43 at
the retreating German army in the area
around Metz, France. Ordnance Intelligence Teams often are able to repair weapons
damaged by a retreating enemy and turn the guns against the former owners.
In addition to disclosing the plausibility of new manufacturing techniques, the analysis of
captured equipment often has revealed new and improved design in the minor components
of a weapon. U. S. engineers are quick to adopt such changes in improving our
own equipment. More than 50 design features in U. S. ordnance matériel have been
adapted from similar German and Japanese equipment captured by U. S. soldiers and
turned in to technical intelligence men.
Because the enemy continually is developing new equipment designs and modifications
to counter our weapons and to compensate for production lost in bombed-out industry, it
becomes increasingly important for technical intelligence men in the field to procure
samples of newly-captured equipment. The gun which, to an infantryman, appears to be
a standard job the Japs or Jerries have been using all along may actually be an old
design produced under new specifications, and perhaps with an important modification.