During large-scale maneuvers in Manchuria, the Kwantung
Army—one of the enemy's most highly trained and experienced
units—experimented elaborately with the use of smoke in
offensive operations. When the air had cleared, and the last blank
round had been fired, Jap officer observers seemed surprised to
find that their experiment had succeeded beyond their first
Smoke as a weapon has not been used extensively by the
Japanese, although they are fully equipped for this type of
warfare. Apparently they held the Manchurian maneuvers to
study the effectiveness of smoke candles used to conceal the
movements of front-line troops, and the ability of artillery to
blind hostile observation posts with well-placed smoke shells.
However, besides blinding the defending troops, and making
it impossible for artillery and heavy weapons to fire anything
but direct fire, the smoke produced a strange psychological
effect among the "enemy" under attack. The smoke created
a feeling of isolation and uneasiness among the defenders. The
Japanese reported that distances seemed enlarged, and the
movements of the attacking foot troops appeared elusive and "created
illusions in the defender". The normal rate of defensive fire
was decreased 25 to 50 percent, and it was discovered that
troops subjected to heavy smoke for a period of 30 minutes or
longer were forced to use their gas masks. Soldiers who did
not wear their masks suffered headaches, sneezing, vomiting,
sore throats, and respiratory ailments.
A result of the maneuvers was a series of recommendations
for the employment of smoke in offensive operations. The Kwantung
Japs concluded that the proper use of smoke on a large
scale enabled infantrymen to come to grips with a defending
enemy, and to penetrate his positions, against a minimum of
defensive fire.
A critique of the maneuver recommended that in conducting
such attacks, troops should take advantage of the range and
accuracy of artillery to lay smoke concentrations on the enemy's
lines. Besides smoke, mortar fire should be used to harass lines
of communication and command posts, and to neutralize observation
posts and defensive weapons positions—particularly
those which could deliver flanking fire into the attacking troops.
At the same time, the infantry should lay its own smoke
screen, the critique pointed out. It was mentioned that infantry
might find it necessary to lay smoke in depth through a portion
of the enemy's lines, or to lay a strong blinding concentration
upon a specific part of his defenses. Presumably, smoke
mortars and smoke grenade dischargers would be used, in addition
to smoke pots and candles.
Following the thought emphasized in Japanese training
manuals, the critique touched on the necessity for studying and
exploiting wind conditions, the advantages of having several
plans for discharging and distributing smoke, and the benefits
of "following to the letter" any plan selected.
The Japanese evidently decided that actual assault operations
should be conducted under independent battalion control, or
even company control, with the battalion or company
commander maintaining artillery coordination and establishing the
phase lines. Before such an attack, the battalion or company
would be divided into small task units, and each unit assigned
a specific weapon position or strongpoint to attack. Similarly,
it was recommended that a special task unit be organized to
operate under the direct command of the battalion or company
commander. Such a special unit, if not committed to reducing
a particularly critical strongpoint, would then be used to oppose
any unanticipated weapon positions or troop concentrations that
might be encountered once the attack was under way.
If a Japanese battalion or company were to conduct a
smoke-infantry attack as outlined by the Kwantung observers, the
attacking force would be divided into two or more waves before
the assault. The first wave, composed of the task units, would
engage designated hostile weapons positions. If these
strongpoints were not reduced by the time the second wave reached
the enemy lines, the second wave would leapfrog through the
wave of task units and force a penetration to the enemy rear.
Occasionally a "mop-up unit" might follow the second-wave
troops, and take over the mission of cleaning out isolated
strongpoints left behind by the momentum of the attack, but still
active. Heavy weapons also will follow close on the heels of the
attacking waves of infantry.
Whenever possible, such an attack will strike from the flank,
with the attacking troops making the most of the concealment
provided by the smoke. As the defender's final protective line
of fire is approached, the attacking troops will advance by
rushes and by crawling. Every effort will be made to discover
and use defiladed terrain features, or other soft spots in the
defensive fire pattern, where attacking troops may move through
the final protective line. Once the line of fire has been pierced,
the task units will charge the weapon positions. As the second
wave, and other rear units, pass through the final protective
line, they will likewise be prepared to engage in hand-to-hand
fighting. Because heavy weapons are expected to follow closely
behind the assault, they have the mission of breaking any
remaining enemy resistance, as soon as the smoke clears.
According to the Kwantung observers, such a large-scale use
of smoke offers distinct advantages in furthering an infantry
attack. Smoke, they said, is a deceptive weapon that can be
employed at any time and place. It can neutralize hostile
defensive fire, especially in rolling terrain, and can create in the
opposing troops a sense of isolation, insecurity, and fear. The
movements of the attacking troops are unrestricted and deceptive,
and the speed of a break-through is increased. The use of
smoke is also recommended as increasing the opportunities for
hand-to-hand combat.