In Russia the Germans are using a new armored self-propelled
gun, which bears at least an outward resemblance
to the Pz. Kw. 6, the German tank often referred
to as the "Tiger." The new self-propelled gun (see
fig. 1) mounts an 88-mm cannon in a fixed turret, and
has an over-all weight of 70 tons. Its maximum speed
is reported to be not more than 12 miles per hour.
Although the armor of the new weapon, especially
the front armor, is said to be harder to pierce than that
of the Pz. Kw. 6, the Russians have found the former
easier to set afire. They have nicknamed it the
![[Figure 1a. - New German Heavy Self-propelled Gun (front view)]](ferdinand_intelbulletin_figure1a.jpg) |
Figure 1a.—New German Heavy Self-propelled Gun (front view). |
![[Figure 1b. - New German Heavy Self-propelled Gun (side and rear view)]](ferdinand_intelbulletin_figure1b.jpg) |
Figure 1b.—New German Heavy Self-propelled Gun (side and rear view). |
A Russian staff officer makes the following observations
regarding the performance of the "Ferdinand"
on the Orel and Belgorod fronts, where the Germans,
counterattacking, used a number of the new heavy
weapons and Pz. Kw. 6's as battering rams in an
attempt to force breaches in the Russian lines.
During one battle the enemy assaulted our positions with 300
heavily armored vehicles, among them were about 50 "Tigers"
and "Ferdinands." While the battle was taking place along our
forward positions, 12 of our own heavy self-propelled guns
remained hidden in their earth fortifications. When about,
20 "Tigers" and "Ferdinands" broke through our forward lines,
our self-propelled artillery moved out from their concealed
positions in order to fire by direct laying. An ambush was prepared
near the threatened area, and the pieces were camouflaged.
Fire against the German armor was commenced when the
attacking vehicles were about 500 yards away from our cannon.
Our first rounds were successful. At 500 yards "Tigers" suffered
gaping holes in their turret armor and side armor. At
300 yards we pierced their frontal armor, and blew their turrets
clean off. Hits on the side armor at this range nearly split the
vehicles in half. It was somewhat different with the "Ferdinands."
Their armor—the front armor, in particular—was more
difficult to pierce, but their tracks, suspension, and side and turret,
armor were no harder to damage and destroy than those of the
"Tigers." The Germans lost at total of 12 "Tigers" and six
In another battle the same heavy armor of the enemy was
engaged by our ordinary medium artillery, which used both
special and regular ammunition. Three of our pieces were emplaced
to form a triang1e; they were reasonably far apart. This
triangular disposition permitted unusually effective fire against
"Ferdinands." Although the "Ferdinand's" fire is very accurate, its
fixed turret does not permit it to shift its fire rapidly. When
the gun is caught in a triangle, it is virtually helpless, because
while it engages one cannon the other two take pot-shots at its
vulnerable points. If the piece directly in front of a "Ferdinand"
does not disclose its position by firing, the other two can
usually dispose of the big gun with no loss to ourselves.
Obviously it is not always possible for us to arrange a battery
in a triangle. Therefore, we require the closest possible cooperation
between the pieces of a battery and also between neighboring
Point-blank fire from our medium tanks in ambush armed
only with the 45-mm cannon, has taken care of many "Tigers"
and "Ferdinands," as have land mines, Molotov cocktails, and
cannon fire from our fighter planes.
It is also reported that the circular hole in the rear
of the "Ferdinand's" fighting compartment is extremely
vulnerable. This hole provides room for the
recoil and the ejection of shells. Russian observers
state that grenades or Molotov cocktails thrown into
this opening can put the vehicle out of action.
Note: As the Intelligence Bulletin goes to press, further information
regarding the "Ferdinand" has been made available.
It is reported that the crews consist of six men: A gun commander
(usually a lieutenant, who is either a tank man or in artilleryman), a
gunner, a driver-mechanic, a radio operator, and two additional gun crew
"Ferdinands" are organized in battalions called "Heavy Tank-Destroyer
Battalions." Each battalion consists of three gun companies, a
headquarters company, a repair company. and a transport column. Each gun
company consists of three platoons of four guns each. The company
headquarters has three guns, making a total of 14 guns per company.
The battalion headquarters company has two guns, a Pz. Kw. 3, and four
On the offensive, the battalion moves in two echelons. The first echelon
consists of two companies abreast, with each company in line and with a
100-yard interval between guns. The second echelon consists of the third
company, also in line. The distance between echelons has not been