In destroying German tanks, Russian antitank riflemen
follow a set of directions, which are given here in
condensed form as a matter of information:
"1. Show daring. Let the enemy tanks come within
200 yards or closer. The best range is 100 to 200 yards. Don't
let the enemy fire lead you to open your own fire too soon.
"2. The antitank rifle can fire 8 to 10 rounds per
minute, if the gunner and his assistant use teamwork. The
gunner opens and closes the breech, aims, and fires; the
assistant, lying on his right, cleans and oils the shell
and places it in the chamber.
"3. Remember that for a distance of as much as 400
yards, the effect of the wind need not be considered.
"4. Remember the deflection correction for the movement
of the tank. At a speed of 22.5 miles per hour, a
lead of 1 yard is required for every 100 yards of range.
"5. Aim for the rear of the turret—the gunner and
ammunition are there. If you hit the ammunition, you
can blow up the tank.
"6. Fire at the center of the rear half of the tank—the
motor and the fuel containers are there. If you hit either
one, you will put the tank out of action.